Product badges
Promote products with your own custom badges or pre-built savings, and sold-out badges that are displayed on products in your collection listings or any product grid-style listing.
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Promote products with your own custom badges or pre-built savings, and sold-out badges that are displayed on products in your collection listings or any product grid-style listing.
Last updated
Story theme includes a set of pre-built badges to help you promote products and inform your customers when a product is out-of-stock. Story theme also provides you the capability to create your own custom product pages that you can assign to any individual product.
Explore the different types of product badges in Story and how to create your own custom versions:
Displays a Sale badge when items in a collection or product grid are currently discounted:
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Displays how much the customer is saving by dollar amount or savings by percent discounted.
Amount saved version:
Discount percent version:
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Displays a sold-out badge for products that have zero value in inventory:
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Displays custom text, build your own badges, and assign to different products:
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Find settings for all badges: