Product image sizes
Size recommendations for your product images
Story will work with images of any size and dimension, but it is recommended that you use product images with consistent dimensions, preferably squares.
We recommend square dimensions like 2048 x 2048 pixels or 2236 x 2236 pixels. Shopify has increased the size recommendation to meet the needs for 4k displays. To support higher resolution monitors try to use images that are 4472 x 4472 pixels. High resolution photos will look more polished and professional to your customers. For square product images, a size of 2048 x 2048 pixels or 2236 x 2236 pixels usually looks best.
2048 x 2048 pixels or 2236 x 2236 pixels
4472 x 4472 pixels (for higher resolution screens)
When your product images are consistent sizes, they will help with overall merchandizing of your store including collection page, product recommendations and viewing through individual product pages.
When downscaling from 4472 x 4472 to 50%, the correct size is 2236 x 2236
Image format
Save your images in .JPG format without any compression. Use 100% quality with sRGB. When you use .PNG images, Shopify won't be able to handle compression to serve the right version for the shopper's device. The result is a very slow loading site especially on collection and product pages. The result will also have a negative experience for mobile customers. Using large .JPG images will allow Shopify to handle the compression and display high quality images for your customers.
.jpg or .JPG
100% quality with sRGB
sRGB - Prevent color stripping
For a smooth look, use non-white background-isolated images, this will allow your product images to bleed into the background.
Product videos
Shopify now supports .MP4 and .MOV video file formats for use on product pages. Embedded streaming videos are also support from YouTube and Vimeo. Here are some guidelines from Shopify regarding video formats:
Video length: Up to 60 seconds
Video size: Up to 1 GB
Video resolution: Up to 4K - 4096 x 2160 pixels
Video file type: .mp4 or .mov
For embedded videos, the only requirements are:
YouTube or Vimeo
Videos must be set to public or unlisted (not private).
3D Models
Shopify supports 3D models in .GLB format which are virtual representations of an object in three dimensions. 3D models can provide your customers with a better sense of the size, scale, and the details of your products.
Learn more about product formats supported on the Shopify platform:
Last updated