Color swatches

Add visually appealing color and color swatches

Story can display color variants as swatches on product pages and collections:

Collection filtering helps customers find items by color:

Multiple swatches can be selected for greater control. For example, clicking on both red and blue in the filters would show all products that match the colors red and blue.

How to use

Manage color swatch settings under the Theme settings -> Product grid. By default, swatches are enabled:

When enabled, Story will detect if your variant label is Color or Colour and automatically display swatches

When unchecked or disabled, the swatches turn into variant option boxes:

Customize the trigger words

To customize the trigger words which activate swatches, use the Language Editor (Edit languages) and add or modify the values:

Trigger words are the variant label names in your product setup, these are matched with the Language editor:

Swatch color names

Story can easily detect simple color names and convert them to swatches. There are a total of 140 color names Pipeline can detect, all other more complex names will be represented by a default grey color swatch. You can upload your own custom color names and graphics as described below. Here is a full list of color names that will automatically be converted to swatches:

Swatches are generated using the variant color names. If you have simple color names or color names that are listed in the above list, Story will display that color on the product page as a swatch:

If your variant color name is not listed in the above list, a default grey color swatch will be used:


If your products have color names other than the listed colors in the Color names list, you can add your own color names and values or upload images to the Assets folder:

Add custom color names and values to swatches.json

Use the swatches.json file located in the Assets folder to add your own custom names and HEX color values:

For example, to change the color displayed for Ink, we can change the HEX value of #696969:

      "ink": "#696969"

Change to a darker black:

      "ink": "#323232"

To find additional HEX color codes, visit:

Adding custom swatch images

With Story, you can add your custom images to represent swatch colors. We have a full tutorial on how to add custom images and display them as swatches on our Pipeline theme support page:

The process is exactly the same when using with Story theme.

Learn how to add custom images:

Last updated